Thursday 23 May 2013

When Titans Clash....


               In the World of Tennis, How often do we see Federer and Nadal in the finals. No doubt lately we did see some heroics from Djokovic. But Federer vs Nadal has always been a treat to watch. Federer who moves swiftly across the court whereas Nadal who is known for his powerful backhands. In this great rivalry, they both are equally matched. we haven't witnessed such a huge rivalry in the sports of tennis before. When this generation of tennis lovers grows older, When our generation gets older we would be the one to proudly tell about we witnessing this duo play! Even the likes of Sachin was seen enjoying Federer play.
        Nadal vs Federer is simply too huge. Somewhat like the India vs Pakistan on the cricket field. More over mainly because of the history or geographical differences between the two countries over the years.The game becomes a matter of national pride for both sets of fans. But for a rivalry like Nadal vs Federer you need not be a Spaniard or an American to enjoy the rivalry.Such is the beauty of the sport. The spirit of the competition is just too high.
         Federer is noticeably aging and Nadal is slowly recovering from injury. The two men haven’t had a classic match in over four years the 2009 Australian Open final, in which Federer was brought to tears after losing that heavenly sports draw.Tennis,It’s not quite like other sports,where front offices can reload around the aging Lampard and Terry to replicate some former success. Imagine no more Fed-Nadal, a rivalry that has won against generation of players. Does anything in tennis even come close to giving you chills when they walk on the court? Watching Nadal vs Fed? Just ignore the scoreline and the significance of another Nadal win over Federer or maybe a Federer win over Nadal. Just watch the guys play. Watch Federer scramble wide and then watch Nadal showing some quick reflexes.   
       Somewhere Nadal is a bit too good for Federer. Considering his quick aging! But Federer’s confidence in what his body can do and withstand on the court is evident in his play, and that’s a positive sign .” If Nadal really turned the corner on being able to compete with the likes of Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray, maybe his longtime rival Federer is waiting there at the finals.


Saturday 18 May 2013

....And RR were the contenders for the Fairplay Award. #IPL

        A team led by the likes of Rahul Dravid. Unlike other teams this team Rajasthan Royals didnt have the legacy of a seperate bowling, batting and fielding coaches. Rahul Dravid carried the team on his own. Riding the team on his own shoulders, Now has booked a seat in the playoffs. Gave out every bit of his experience to achieve success from a bunch of unpolished cricketers. In return of his class he gets this piece of shit. You surely got to feel for this man. 
     "Earth Provides Enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed."
                                                                                                                     -Mahatma Gandhi. 
Greed. This is perhaps what made the players get involved in spot fixing. Cricket in India is a charm. Because it is supposed to be the best and authentic form of reality television. Fixing has been walking in hand in hand with cricket since ages. Its just that the methods get more innovative. One just shouldnt blame Ipl for this. Its just the character of some players spoiling the beauty of this game. When one can resist such number of corrupt people in the government,Then the three caught here in IPL who have no great influence over cricket, shouldnt maje much difference.
      Remember...No Indian watches Ipl for the likes of Sree's and Chandila's. We still have Dravid's and Tendulkar's to watch for! Life bann on playing cricket. Is this enough?! For someone like Chandila who has crossed his 30's, who is about to retire might laugh on your face. Get a law for this people. Get a law! The crime is for playing with the emotions of crores of people watching IPL. The crime is of spoiling the beauty of the game. But its shocking, Its a great platform for players to show their talent. They are even rewarded over-handsomely. Still they come up with this.
      This guy Sreesanth lost his rights to be loved and adored. Being a part of two worldcup winning teams, earning crores and then falling for a mere 40 lakhs! Sick! Sreesanth's cricketing career is surely over. How awesomely was that quoted. "Ranbir's career florished because of a towel and Sreesanth's career ended because of a towel. Big Boss crew might be the only team interested to buy him for now. 
      RP Singh bowls a no ball in a crunch situation.He overstepped as big as a foot! Part of game? Such things happen? Parhaps yes! Parhaps not! Pollard dropping three catches at a streak. Well yes, Now even if these unusual things werent fixed, they look fixed! Credit goes to the ones who got caught. Bad luck guys. (Expecting few more to add to the list). 
      Like I said..We watch it for the likes of Dravids and Tendulkars,Let the Tamasha of IPL carry on! Sirf dekhneka nai...Nachneka bhi! Jamping Japang!

Friday 10 May 2013

Sir Alex Retires; A Chelsea fan reacts.

Sir Alex, A true legend of English Premier League or maybe even Football in general.
Finally retires. I used to think death was really the only way to separate Alex Ferguson and United.

No doubt..Massive Respect for him. But always had hatred towards him for the very reason of him coming into limelight for his wrong ways of winning (donno how true). somewhere forces me to have hatred towards  him and his team to which he has taken to insane heights As a Chelsea fan, I have become part of the practice of accepting the fact that the manager could not be there when you wake up the next morning .A bit more hatred because he makes my team Chelsea look a bit unstable.(with respect to the number of managers Chelsea had :P)
Well I am definitely going to miss his post-match interviews, the arrogance with which he scoulded the refrees and match officials for not wrapping the game up as per his wishes.More over his will to win. No doubt Manchester United didnt play that convincing this season but Sir Alex taught them the winning ways.
I’ll never deny that I have always envied United for the way they were so stable management. I had hoped and wished again and again that somehow, someday, we will have our answer to Sir Alex Ferguson. I was hoping it would be Jose Mourinho (and I still hope!)
You have left behind a legacy, sir, that will not be forgotten for a long time to come.
Thank you, Sir Alex. Football owes.
Whistle blows and the “Fergie Time” is over!

Friday 3 May 2013

Being A Chelsea Fan


       Following Chelsea in Roman era?! Woah! To much to hear from the people then. At times people laugh at you for being a Chelsea fan. It sucks being called a plastic fan. People feel that its just money because of which the club is alive. Lack of knowledge about the history of Chelsea leads to more shit. At times even we Chelsea fan laugh at the new Chelsea fans terming them as a wannabe.
Many of the football lovers followed Liverpool in late 80's when they had a beautiful run and a reason why they started to follow Liverpool but today no at all shocking that they still follow Liverpool. Matter of being with your team in every ups and downs.
You need a strong reason to follow a Club like Chelsea. Where you never know when the Manager would change. For Abramovich money speaks!! How ever great manager you trophies and you are kicked! I am yet to get out of the grief that Roberto Di Matteo was sacked. He was the only reason we kissed CL trophy last season. 
.Even though Mourinho left, my feelings for Chelsea did not change.  It’s a form of a love.. it’s about how we feel inside, the joy and the pain  that defines our love for our club. 
Players who left chelsea still praise the club. How badly they miss wearing the blues! Drogba is one such legend. Its long back when he left the club but even today his heart beats for Stamford Bridge. Posts instapics about chelsea conveying how badly he wants to return to the side. 
Had great ups and downs this season. Had preety rare moments to cherish. .And then you get a bit more bitter shock that there wont be an extension for Terry and Lampard. One just cannot predict what on in Roman Abramovich's mind.
No doubt the side is brilliant on paper! Loads of faith in this team. Hope that Mourinho returns and then it would simply be tough stopping the blues.But then one simply cant win Champions league by fluke...this side has the ingredients to make up as the toughest side to play against. Demba Ba plays forward. Oscar Hazard and the godly Mata to assist.  
And then the man on the nets.. Petr Cech. World Class! 
Once a Blue..Always A Blue.  KEEP THE BLUE FLAG FLYING HIGH.